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    Company Registration Service in UAE. For Popular Package Know More

    Detailed Guide to VAT Registration Services in Dubai, UAE

    VAT has become mandatory for nearly all corporations in the UAE. So, the corporations can register for VAT free of cost according to the procedures of the FTA. If you are a new businessman looking for VAT services Dubai, this is crucial that you understand whether your venture is eligible or needed to make an application for VAT in the country. You should also know the various kinds of VAT registration services here.

    VAT is an indirect tax applied on the sale of commodities and services. One of the very common kinds of consumption tax, VAT is adopted by more than 150 nations around the world. Under the procedure of VAT, this is the final consumer in the supply chain that generally keeps the cost of VAT.

    In this country, Valued Added Tax was introduced on January 1, 2018, and is also applied on imports or raw materials and services. After the completion of the registration process of VAT in Dubai, you would work like the tax charger on the behalf of FTA, charge the tax from your end customers, and provide it to the government, your corporation can claim a refund from the government for the tax payment you have made to your suppliers.

    VAT for UAE Corporations 

    Corporations in the country that deal in taxable commodities and services should register for VAT. Whether your venture involves business in Dubai free zone or mainland, you would need to make a registration application for VAT services Dubai, if you complete the eligibility criteria specified by the Federal Tax Authority.

    According to the FTA, VAT registration includes all the commercial activities gone through by the registered individual. This is compulsory for your venture in Dubai to hold a TRN number to follow the VAT rules, in case of the Dubai business permits for a VAT obligatory registration point. A TRN number is a unique number given to a business or a vendor, by the FTA, that registers for the purposes of tax in this emirate.

    Types of VAT Registration Services in Dubai 

    There are two kinds of VAT registration services in this emirate. Depending on the profit of your corporation and the taxable income, there are various types of VAT registration services functional.

    Types of VAT Registration Services in Dubai 

    • Voluntary VAT Registration 

    The voluntary VAT services in Dubai are applicable for corporations who make business profits of AED 187,500 – 375,000 annually. If your company turnover comes under this variety, you can receive a voluntary VAT registration complied with a Tax Registration Number. If you don’t want it, you won’t be fined by the government of the UAE. Voluntary VAT registration is also imposed in case you predict the company turnover in the next thirty days of your application would be higher than AED 187,500.

    • Mandatory VAT Registration 

    For corporations with a yearly turnover of over AED 375,000, registration for VAT is mandatory. It means you will have to obtain the TRN number to run your business smoothly in this emirate and the remaining emirates. Once you get your tax registration number, you can charge VAT from your consumers for the commodities and services you sell.

    Deadline for VAT Registration Services in Dubai 

    Since the government of the United Arab Emirates applied for the registration of VAT services Dubai, companies are invited to submit applications in the industries, allocations, and domains. The FTA has given an online portal for corporations for VAT registration and get their tax registration number obstacle-free. Although, you have to be ready with all the requirements prior to going ahead with the application procedure. You can make an application for VAT during the year based on the acceptance of category-wise applications by the Federal Tax Authority.

    Steps to Apply for VAT Registration Services in Dubai 

    The corporation has to make an application for VAT services Dubai

    Steps to Apply for VAT Registration Services in Dubai 
    i as a government responsibility. While the deadlines depending on the company turnover or kinds of VAT are declared timely by the government. You have to understand the application procedure. It would assist you to know the information needed to meet your application and gather the documents. Ensure you are completed the following process to avoid obstacles and delays.

    1. Make an account on the e-service FTA portal
    2. After logging into an account, you would get an online registration form for VAT. The information necessary in the form would be –
    3. Information of your company
    4. Personal information
    5. Your business’s contact details
    6. Banking information
    7. Details about the VAT registration
    8. Declaration of any business rapports
    9. Declaration of VAT services Dubai
    10. Once you filled in all the information, click on the review, and then submit.

    Basic Documents Required for VAT Registration Services in Dubai 

    • Business owner’s passport copy
    • Copy of business license
    • Identification information
    • Account information of the corporation and IBAN
    • Status of your business profit in the last year
    • Memorandum of Association
    • Customs Authority Registration Code

    VAT Registration with Start Any Business (SAB) 

    Start Any Business (SAB) understand the significance of meeting the legalities and the paperwork included for your corporation. This is why our team is here to give you professional suggestions on each move of the method for your company in this emirate. You can contact our skilled professional, who will smoothly guide you regarding the VAT services Dubai.

    Read More – How to Apply for VAT Registration in UAE

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