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How Do Facebook Ads Work?

Did you know that there are more than a billion people on Facebook? Most marketers didn’t know this either, so you are not alone. In fact, the average person on Facebook is probably using it to connect with friends and family members.

However, the social media giant has its work cut out for it in 2018 as more than one billion people now use Facebook each day to share photos, videos, and updates about what’s happening in their lives. Also, advertisers have started to spend more and more time and money on Facebook ads. If you’re looking to get started with marketing your business on Facebook or expand your current advertising strategy, then this blog post is for you!

Whether you’re an experienced marketer or brand new to the world of digital advertising, understanding how it works will help you navigate the ever-changing landscape while simultaneously saving you time and money in the long run.

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook is a social media platform that has become a major source of traffic for businesses large and small. Facebook is used to connect with friends, family, co-workers, and anyone else you’re interested in. If you’re running a business, you can use Facebook to promote your product, schedule sales, and more.

Facebook Ads

Facebook’s advertising platform allows businesses to run ads that target specific audiences across the platform. Facebook’s algorithm then “sees” through the massive amounts of data it has collected about the users it’s targeting to deliver relevant ads to them.

How do Facebook Adwords Work?

Similar to Facebook Ads, Google also offers an advertising platform. Like Facebook, Google’s platform allows advertisers to a create Facebook ad that targets specific audiences across the platform. However, unlike Facebook, Google’s advertising platform does not rely on a social proof system to deliver ads to users. Advertisers have to create ads that target the exact audiences they want, which can make the process of creating ads a bit challenging.

Why Spend Money on Facebook Ads?

Facebook and Google are both major players in the online advertising world. When you compare their numbers, you’ll notice that Facebook is by far the most popular. It is misleading to say that Facebook Ads only get you “likes” or “shares”. Facebook actually scores you points for every time a user “throws your way”.

People are more likely to “like” or “share” an ad that they’re interested in than an ad that they don’t care about. With that in mind, Facebook Ads are more like marketing ploys that bring you “points” instead of direct sales.


Facebook and Google are both large internet companies that have become important parts of our modern lives. It’s pretty easy to see why Facebook and Google make for great advertising platforms. Not only are they both hugely successful in their own rights, but they’re also both incredibly useful.

Facebook and Google also have something else in common: Both are extremely fragmented and difficult for new marketers to get a foothold on. That’s why Facebook and Google are so helpful in terms of expansion and optimization. They both provide a large and consistent audience, and they allow marketers to create ads that directly target the people who are interested in the offers or services you’re advertising.

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